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Guidance Counselors
Each counselor has a specific group of students they work with.
Diane Dempsey
(781) 861-6500
- Grades 10-12, for the following CTE areas:
- Carpentry
- Electrical Wiring
- Plumbing
Dana Farrill
(781) 861-6500
- Grades 10-12, for the following CTE areas:
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Automotive
- Design & Visual Communications
- Engineering
- Metal Fabrication & Welding
- Multimedia Engineering
- Programming & Web Development
- Robotics & Automation
Jaclyn O'Connor
(781) 861-6500
- Grades 10-12, for the following CTE areas:
- Animal Science
- Biotechnology
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Early Education & Teaching
- Environmental
- Health Assisting
- Horticulture & Plant Science
Guidance Events
Counselors provide workshops in classrooms as well as individual meetings. In addition, the guidance department offers special events. These events include:
Guidance & Special Education Calendar
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