Letters to Families
January 10, 2023
Dear Minuteman High School Students and Parents/Guardians,
It’s time to begin registering Minuteman students for the SkillsUSA Districts Competitions taking place on Wednesday, March 1st. Students in grades 10, 11 or 12 who are interested in representing their Career Technical Education program should click this link to fill out a form so we can follow up with them and their shop teachers.
Completed interest forms are due Tuesday, January 17. This will allow us time to gather back the necessary signed paperwork and start registering students by Monday, January 23rd.
Any questions can be directed to SkillsUSA faculty advisors. Please email Kristina Juzyn, Emily Kotwal or Denise D’Ambrosia.
Completing this form does not commit you to participation or guarantee your place in competition. This serves to gather information on interest only. SkillsUSA staff advisors will follow up with all interested students and their shop teachers.
What is SkillsUSA? SkillsUSA is a national group that strives to teach workplace, personal, and technical skills to students of all levels across the country in order to prepare them to be outstanding citizens, contributing to the community and the workplace. Aside from skills for the individual, SkillsUSA works with chapters and regions to expand and create community service efforts, instilling a drive for a better world. SkillsUSA holds local, regional, state, and national competitions that cover a variety of focuses. Here at Minuteman, we offer over 70 different competitions. Learn more on our website.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Denise D’Ambrosia, Emily Kotwal & Kristina Juzyn
Minuteman SkillsUSA Faculty Advisors