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Open Bids


Minuteman School Transportation Open Bid
First page of the PDF file: Bid25-01-MinutemanTransportation
Minuteman School Transportation - Legal Notice & Bid Schedule
First page of the PDF file: Bid25-01-MinutemanLegalNotice
Minuteman School Transportation - Bidders Questions: Set 1
First page of the PDF file: 25-01MinutemanBiddersQuestions
Minuteman School Transportation - Bidders Questions: Set 2
First page of the PDF file: 25-01MinutemanBiddersQuestions2

Note: Vendors who download the IFB are responsible for checking the website periodically for addenda issued by Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District.

Public school budgeting is regulated and controlled by state statue and regulations. The annual school budget is the financial outline of the District’s education program. The budget process is an important function of the District operations and serves as a means to improve communication both within the organization and within the District communities.

The process begins in October, with the Superintendent and the Business Manager working with the staff, the School Committee’s Finance Subcommittee, and the District Treasurer to prepare the annual budget. After a public hearing, usually held in January, the School Committee considers the proposed budget. Once the School Committee approves the budget, it is submitted to District towns for their consideration. Per statute, a 2/3 vote of approval from the towns is required for budget approval.

In addition to the annual budget, there are two important fiscal controls over expenditures: