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Business Office & Human Resources

The Business Office is the home of the Finance Department and Human Resources

The district's finances are overseen by members of the office in collaboration with the School Committee's Finance Subcommittee/Warrant Review Committee and the Superintendent.

The Minuteman High School Human Resource Department's mission is to serve employees in a manner that reflects core values and diverse culture. Specifically, we seek to promote fairness, honesty and an equal opportunity for all.

We are dedicated in our commitment to develop a safe and healthy workplace that facilitates and promotes a positive work ethic, open communication, and professional and personal growth for all employees. Minuteman is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


Finance Office Contacts

Nikki Andrade

Business Manager

Diane DeRoche

Payroll and Accounts Receivable Specialist

Mariah Passamonte

Accounts Payable Specialist

Sonia Vetrano

Assistant Business Manager

Human Resources Contacts

Meghan Elliott

Administrative Assistant for Human Resources

Michelle Resendes

Director of Operations