Vocational Programs
Minuteman offers 19 Career Technical Education (CTE) majors.
At Minuteman, there are two academies and five pathways in the Academy Model.
What You Need to Know
Freshman Exploratory
From September through January, ninth-grade students participate in the Freshman Exploratory process. During this time, students participate in different CTE classes based on their interests. They apply for their top choices and are informed of their awarded major in January.
Learn more about freshman exploratory
Career Majors
Use the navigation tabs on the left to learn more about each of our 19 Career Technical Education (CTE) majors.
Academy Model
The 19 career technical education majors are organized in the Academy Model to encourage integrated learning between the different CTE and academic programs. (see chart below)
learn more about the academy model
MA State Frameworks
Instructional Frameworks provide the competencies students need to access high-wage high-demand careers. Educators use the framework to build curriculum for their program to ensure students develop the skills they need for their future.
Instructional frameworks are made up of standards and industry recognized credentials. The standards serve as the competencies students obtain by completion of Career Technical Chapter 74 program. Each program has additional resources, such as the curriculum resource, that help educators in implementing the framework. The framework ensures that the key needs of industries are identified and prioritized in program design. Students who complete Career Technical programs earn credentials that make them both employable and ready for higher education. Essential industry and safety credentials are identified for each program area as an external validation of the skills students need to enter the industry. Educators and administrators may also identify supplemental or specialized credentials that students may earn in the program.