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Joining a Program Advisory Committee

Minuteman High School is committed to excellence in its career and technical education (CTE) programs.

To help us achieve this aim, we reach out to leaders in business, industry, and labor, and to parents and students, and ask them to work with us as advisors in improving our curriculum and facilities.
By participating as a member of Program Advisory Committee, you will have an opportunity to guide Minuteman in preparing students for employment in one of our CTE programs. Each Program Advisory Committee meets 2-3 times each school year. Meetings are usually held at Minuteman. In addition, our instructional staff occasionally calls for advice informally, as the need arises.

How Program Advisory Committee Members Can Help

  • Reviewing curriculum
  • Reviewing data (MCAS, program enrollment, and placement)
  • Recommending new or updated equipment
  • Donating materials, equipment, and services
  • Reviewing, evaluating, and providing advice on new course content
  • Assisting in the development of co-op sites, articulation agreements, or apprenticeships
  • Assisting with the Chapter 74 new program approval process
  • Helping us maintain our library of software, visual aids, magazines, and books
  • Arranging for guest speaking opportunities and field trips
  • Hiring our students and graduates

Composition of Program Advisory Committees

Each school committee shall appoint a Program Advisory Committee for each program area under its control. The Program Advisory Committee shall consist of representatives of local business and industry related to the program, organized labor, postsecondary institutions, parents/guardians, students and representatives from registered apprenticeship programs if the program area has such registered programs; provided however, that no member of the school committee, or other school official or school personnel shall serve on the committee. Every effort shall be made to ensure that membership on the Advisory Committee includes females, racial and linguistic minorities, persons with disabilities and individuals in occupations nontraditional for their gender who are representative of the particular district or community served by the school.