State & Federal Scholarships
- John & Abigail Adams Scholarship Recipients
- President’s Education Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence "GOLD"
- President’s Education Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence "SILVER"
John & Abigail Adams Scholarship Recipients
The John and Abigail Adams Scholarship is a merit-based program that provides a credit toward tuition for up to eight semesters of undergraduate education at a Massachusetts state college or university. For this scholarship, merit is based on student scores on the 10th grade Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) test.
Alishah Ahmad, Aubrey Barbosa, Abigail Bayer, Eowyn Bengiovanni, Elizabeth Blumberg, Carolina Brito, Elliot Dawson, Arya De Francesco, Jacob Defrees, Nicholas DiPlacido, Damien Dolan, Zario Falcone, Alexis Farrow, Zachary Forrest, Maya Gonsalves, Lilly Hay, Demri Jarvis, Evan John, Jake Johnston, Cydney Judd, So-Ahn Kieffer-Kwon, Andrew King, Corinna Kinzinger, Max Larkin, Duncan Laster, Charles Lemire, Annie Lindor, Rowan Lourenco, Cameron MacDonald, Sam Markowitz, Paul Newbold, Harry Oldham, Keith Palmer-Poirier, Charles Pressey, Conner Russell, Alima Salahuddin, Thomas Spriano, Oliver Stevens, Portier Weir, Connor Whelan-Bellio, Camille White, Leo Young
Sabine Adams, Blaise Anderson, Nadia Ayad, Ilan Balzac, Kevin Bartles, Annie Brosnan,
Charles Bruel, Aanycia Castro Rivera, Natalie Choroszej, Elsa Crotty, Amalia Findeis,
Joshua Formaggio, Maddox Glazer, Aidan Goff, Lucas Goodwin, Emma Green, Nolan Griffin, Henry Halstead, Michael James, Bronwyn Jones, Abraham Kim, Casey King, Erik Lilliott, Alexander Lombard, Nathan Lubets, Connor Mackenzie, Ava Martin, Riley Mitchell, Dara Moynihan, Dean O'Brien, Gavin O'Brien, John O'Brien, Alexander Perhanidis, Alexander Qazilbash, Lyra Saucier, Dylan Schrock, Nicolette Stamos, Andrew Stanley, Juno Sullivan, Cole Traywick, Mariana Woolf
Hannah Bardei, Jillian Bearden, Amanda Birenbach, Owen Blake, Jake Brosnan, Ariana Calder, Morgan Calverley, Zachary Campbell, Nicholas Casey, Julia Champoux, Mario Devincentis, Peter Eisenheim, Marley Fortune, Markis Gaela, Ryan Garrant, Sarah Goodsell, Drew Humberstone, Devlin Ih, Liberty Jacobs, Lucy Kitchenka, Day Kolz, Kyle Kotlarz, Peter Loschen, Eva Mabboux, Kaira Mathis, Matthew McIntyre, Nina Michnove, Colin Mitchell, Mia Novak, Aidan Nunez-Doherty, Leo Pettersen, Henry Price, Dwight Reed, Erin Terrett, Ellie Vail
President’s Education Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence "GOLD"
"GOLD" designation; weighted gpa of 4.0+
Founded in 1983, the President's Education Awards Program (PEAP) honors graduating elementary, middle and high school students for their achievement and hard work. The program has provided individual recognition from the President and the U.S. Secretary of Education to those students whose outstanding efforts have enabled them to meet challenging standards of excellence. Each year, thousands of elementary, middle, and high schools participate by recognizing deserving students.
Nina Abroff, Alishah Ahmad, River Araujo, Caleb Baumritter, Abigail Bayer, Elizabeth Blumberg, Emma Crotty, Zachary Forrest, Arya De Francesco, Damien Dolan, Sabina Doyle, Zario Falcone, Alexis Farrow, Maya Gonsalves, Demri Jarvis, Jake Johnston, Beatrice Kardon, Samuel Keller, So-Ahn Kieffer-Kwon, Elizabeth Kolakowski, Andrew King, Corinna Kinzinger, Max Larkin, Sophia Lasic, Charles Lemire, Annie Lindor, Laryssa Maia, Annabella Olsen, Lea Orrell, Keith Palmer-Poirier, Charles Pressey, Conner Russell, Jake Riley, Alima Salahuddin,
Madison Shaw, Camille White
Alexander Adams, Marissa Appugliese, Nadia Ayad, Kevin Bartles, Carmen Beguhn, Mahnoor Bibi, Nyah Bordeau, Lili Bottan, Jonathan Bradbury, Annie Brosnan, Charles Bruel, Natalie Choroszej, Elsa Crotty, Joshua Formaggio, Maddox Glazer, Aidan Goff, Lucas Goodwin, Nolan Griffin, Diamond Gutierrez-Kraybill, Michael James, Saleena Khan, Abraham Kim, Casey King, Erik Lilliott, Nathan Lubets, Ava Martin, Riley Mitchell, Sophia Montalvo, Dara Moynihan, Dean O’Brien, Gavin O’Brien, John O’Brien, Zachary Orfanos, Alexander Perhanidis, Sabrina Poulten, Alexander Qazilbash, Dylan Schrock, Nicolette Stamos, Andrew Stanley, Juno Sullivan, Cole Traywick, Leah Woolf, Mariana Woolf
Trinity Choroszej, Dylan Higgins, Samir Kris, Charles Perry, Andrew Zeng, Cam Fox, Samantha Kerr, Katerina Holbrook, Bradley Winters, Sophia DaSilva, James Murch, Evan Long, Zoe Callahan, Marwa Alwaz, Kendra Traywick, Colin Lenhardt, Nicholas Abreu, Maria-Eduarda Dasilva, Hayden Jelinsky, Henry Blackburn, Gavin Sparks, Sarah Buchieri, & Alton Winkler
Hannah Bardei, Devlin Ih, Ellie Vail, Day Kolz, Ariana Calder, Colin Mitchell, Jake Brosnan, Eva Mabboux, Peter Eisenheim, Markis Galea, Angelina Amico, Mario DeVincentis, Jacob Woolf, Erin Terrett, Asher Pearlmutter-Bearson, Amanda Birenbach, Dayane Coutinho, Jillian Bearden, Lucy Kitchenka, Drew Humberstone, Trevor Spadafora, Alexandra Ostrowski, Izadora Karla Goncalves, Sophia Krain, Kyleigh Cabral, Ethan Masters, Louis Savarino, Julie Lavin, Gabriel Herbertz
President’s Education Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence "SILVER"
"SILVER" designation; weighted gpa of 3.5-4.0
Founded in 1983, the President's Education Awards Program (PEAP) honors graduating elementary, middle and high school students for their achievement and hard work. The program has provided individual recognition from the President and the U.S. Secretary of Education to those students whose outstanding efforts have enabled them to meet challenging standards of excellence. Each year, thousands of elementary, middle, and high schools participate by recognizing deserving students.
Kallen Adams, Shahd Alwaz, Bradford Ayotte, Aubrey Barbosa, Eowyn Bengiovanni, Luka Bosse, Carolina Brito, Shane Carta, Arianna Ciampa, Samuel Cohen, Christian D'Agostino, Elliot Dawson, Jacob Defrees, Nicholas Diplacido, Calvin Dowds, Riley Faulds, William Flanagan, Sophia Gazza, Lily Gieske, Jabe Harris, Russell Henson, Cydney Judd, Audrey Kelly, Nabila Khan, Emmett Kiernan,
Aoife Kinneen, William Kizer, Nicholas Krain, Anna Sophia Kurtz, Duncan Laster, Cameron MacDonald, Sam Markowitz, James McCabe, Kevin Mukherjee, Dakota Mulliner, Paul Newbold, Arsh Noor, Derek O'Brien, Harry Oldham, Dylan O'Sullivan, Isaac Peralta, Oliver Phillips, Brian Proia, Ian Rempe, Joshua Schindelman, Ella Schwartz, Allison Smith, Jolaina Spilios, Thomas Spriano, Oliver Stevens, Nadia Strange, Megan Sweeney, Camille Warford, Porter Weir, Leo Young
Sabine Adams, Blaise Anderson, Elias Bak, Ryan Breen-Aronson, Lilly Campbell, Aanycia Castro-Rivera, Jack Conners, Alice Dalton, Zachary Evans, Amalia Findeis, Talisa Jean-Leger, Gabriel Kanter, Emma Green, Alex Hanselmann, Alexander Hanson, Emma Heckman, Brownyn Jones, Spencer Labbe, Alexander Lombard, Connor Mackenzie, Francesca Morales, Marc-Andre Noel, Olivia O’Neill, Elizabeth Palys, Yuyu Qian, Lyra Saucier, Morgan Shaw, Charles Shriber, Ella Snider, Samuel Staiti, Yuika Tano, Lily Valdes-Greenwood, Luna White
Thomas Maloney, Jerry Takang, Lillian Mela, Samuel Zachary, Haris Ansari, Samuel Huntington, Carter Gruca, Drew Mara, Jalen Smith, Kole Murawski, Grace McNiff, Jillian Geraghty, Trevor Simon, Daniel Chandler, Ryan Carta, Anis Ifthikar, Eleanor Silvadurso, Layla Lubin, David Doyle, Stuart Strong, Asnaan Ifthikar, Taranvir Pabla, Samuel Albers, Ben Crisley, Simon Goodwin, Cole Savage, Andrew Wood, & Lillian Johnson
Caspian Barrett, Zoha Bibi, Morgan Calverley, Samuel Cerqueira, Julia Champoux, Lucy Coletta, Maria Defreitas, Mark Denaro, Eleanor Doyle, Isabel Figueiredo, Colleen Foley, Marley Fortune, Damien Fox, Sawyer Freidman, Ryan Garrant, Luciano Garreffi, Luca Gentile, Sarah Goodsell, Martin Gorman, Cameron Hamner, Michael Harris, Jake Irons, Liberty Jacobs, Peter Loschen, Kaira Mathis, Matthew McIntyre, Maya Moran, Jeffrey Newton, Aidan Nunez-O'Doherty, Shane O'Connell, Teagan O'Connor, Alexander Pallett, Leo Pettersen, Stefan Phillips, Henry Price, Scott Romano, Autumn Sivits-Camara, Erik Thacker, Luke Thacker, Jackson Thomas, Corbin Wall, Padraig Wallace
Minuteman’s Outstanding Vocational Technical Student of the Year
Co-sponsored by the Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators and the Massachusetts Vocational Association
Alishah Ahmad
Lyra Saucier
Trevor Simon
Lucy Kitchenka
Career Program Awards
The Career Program Award is presented to the senior who has demonstrated the highest level of expertise in their technical area
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Automotive
- Biotechnology
- Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts & Baking
- Design & Visual Communications
- Early Education & Teaching
- Electrical Wiring
- Engineering
Advanced Manufacturing
Culinary Arts & Baking
Design & Visual Communications
Early Education & Teaching
Electrical Wiring
- Environmental Science
- Health Assisting
- Horticulture & Plant Science
- Metal Fabrication & Welding
- Multimedia Engineering
- Plumbing
- Programming & Web Development
- Robotics & Automation Technology
- Veterinary Science
Environmental Science
Health Assisting
Horticulture & Plant Science
Metal Fabrication & Welding
Multimedia Engineering
Programming & Web Development
Robotics & Automation Technology
Veterinary Science
Academic Achievement Awards
The Academic Achievement Award is presented to the senior who has demonstrated the highest level of proficiency in an academic area
Minuteman HS Scholarship & Award List
- Alan J. McLaughlin STEM Scholarship
- Andrea Martocchia Memorial Scholarship
- Arlington Rotary Club Award
- Beverly W. Lydiard Memorial Scholarship
- Blackburn Biotech Scholarship
- Bonnie J. Hilla Memorial Award
- Bruce Flood Memorial Award
- Cambridge Savings Bank/Kevin J. Fitzgerald Scholarship
- Christel McCarthy Scholarship
- Chris J. Traganos Carpentry Scholarship
- Craig M. King Memorial Scholarship
- Culinary Arts “Unsung Hero Award”/Gourmet Club Award
- David B. Stone Memorial Scholarship
- DeLuca Family Scholarship/Class of 2004
- Dick Ham Memorial Award
- Digital Federal Credit Union [DCU] Scholarship
- Dr. Renzo A. Ricciuti Memorial Scholarship/Plumbing Award
- Dr. Ronald Fitzgerald Scholarship
- Edward Lillis Memorial Award
- Felicia M. DeLorenzo Scholarship Foundation
- Francis Koppeis (Wayside Inn) Memorial Award
- Fred Troisi Memorial Scholarship
- Friends of Minuteman Award
- Gene Haas Scholarship
- Jed Dowd Memorial Scholarship
- John Hayward Memorial Scholarship
- John F. Rezendes Memorial Award
- John N. Wood Memorial Scholarship
- Lexington Field and Garden Club Award
- Lexington Rotary Club Scholarship
- Lexington Toyota
- Margaret Rosselli Memorial Scholarship
- Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators Award
- Massachusetts Vocational Association Presidential Certificate of Merit (MVA)
- Middlesex Savings Bank Award
- Minuteman Alumni Association Scholarships
- Minuteman Chapter of the National Honor Society Award
- Minuteman Faculty Association Award/Elaine Karkos Memorial Scholarship
- Minuteman Players Drama Club Award
- Minuteman Principal's Award
- Nick's Pick Award
- Paul D. Abbott Scholarship
- Paul Alphen Science Award
- Paul Johnson Memorial Award/Culinary Arts Award
- Paul M. Stone Memorial Scholarship
- Pauline Briggs Memorial Scholarship
- Ralph Hersey Memorial Scholarship
- Richard Trzepacz Graphic Arts Award
- Roger S. Eleftherakis Memorial Scholarship
- Ryan Eaton Memorial Award
- Sandra Lambrinos Memorial Scholarship
- Scott Pisano, Class of 2001 Memorial Scholarship
- Scotty Enwright Memorial Scholarship
- Senior Class Spirit and Dedication Award
- Sun Family Scholarship
- Walter J. Markham Award
Alan J. McLaughlin STEM Scholarship
Alan J. McLaughlin has been a STEM contributor for almost seven decades. He holds undergraduate and Master’s degrees in Engineering from Northeastern University. In 1967, he joined MIT Lincoln Laboratory, ultimately becoming the Director of the Computer Science Division. At his initiative, MIT LL began providing technical advisory to Minuteman in the mid-1980s, and he facilitated the installation of printed circuit board capability for student use. In retirement, Mr. McLaughlin continues as advisory to MIT LL, government and institutional boards and committees, and remains a strong advocate of Minuteman High School.
Andrea Martocchia Memorial Scholarship
The Andrea Martocchia Memorial Scholarship Award is given to a senior student in memory of Andrea Martocchia, Class of 2022. He was beloved by his classmates and staff at Minuteman for his infectious charisma and good nature. Someone who could light up a room with his smile and presence, the environment of Minuteman was not the same without his fun and outgoing personality. Andrea was an active member of the athletics community at Minuteman, playing for the football and lacrosse teams.
Arlington Rotary Club Award
Beverly W. Lydiard Memorial Scholarship
Given in memory of Beverly Lydiard, who retired in 1997 after 30 years of dedication and commitment to Minuteman. An original member of the Minuteman District Planning Committee, she was an inspirational force in the planning, development, and construction of Minuteman and served as Assistant Superintendent for 20 years. A state and national expert on equality in public education, she was a pioneer in the implementation of Title IX and sex equality. Awarded to a graduate who has shown the determination to overcome obstacles and barriers of traditional thought, and who has succeeded and moved forward on equal footing with his/her fellow graduates.
Blackburn Biotech Scholarship
Bonnie J. Hilla Memorial Award
This award is given to an outstanding member of the senior class, given by her friends and family in memory of a loving and caring teacher. While Ms. Hilla’s death has created a strong sense of loss, the memory of her dedication and commitment to Minuteman’s Skills USA program will live long into the future.
Bruce Flood Memorial Award
The Bruce Flood Memorial Scholarship is given in memory of Bruce Flood, our beloved long time Automotive Technology teacher, by his family, friends and colleagues. This scholarship will be given to two graduating seniors, one from the Automotive Technology Department and one from the Culinary Arts Department, who exemplify Bruce’s passion for cars, love of cooking and simple goal of “Work Hard, Be Kind”. This award serves as a reminder of Bruce’s warm personality, dedication and commitment to helping all of his students succeed.
Cambridge Savings Bank/Kevin J. Fitzgerald Scholarship
Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation awards educational scholarships to graduating high school seniors from public high schools. The scholarships are named in honor of retired CEO, Kevin J. Fitzgerald. Mr. Fitzgerald began working for the bank while in college through a cooperative education program and started his full-time banking career upon graduating. Mr. Fitzgerald is an advocate of higher education and has been very supportive of the scholarship program.
scholarship ended 2021
Christel McCarthy Scholarship
Chris J. Traganos Carpentry Scholarship
Given in honor of Chris J Traganos (“Mr. T”), who led the Carpentry program for 20 years at Minuteman High School. Chris started off as a Minuteman carpentry student before joining the US army, and enjoyed a lengthy career building homes prior to teaching the next generation of builders. This scholarship is awarded to a graduating carpentry student who has shown a passion for the craft of woodworking, has a dedicated work ethic, and could use their own set of Carpentry hardware & tools.
Craig M. King Memorial Scholarship
Culinary Arts “Unsung Hero Award”/Gourmet Club Award
David B. Stone Memorial Scholarship
DeLuca Family Scholarship/Class of 2004
Dick Ham Memorial Award
This award was originally established by friends of Dick at the Southern New England Farrier Association in 1987 in memory of the many years that he served the association, farms, and horse owners locally and across the country. Dick was a fifth-generation farrier/blacksmith, an expert in the area of corrective horse shoeing, traveling all over New England and across the country to assist horse owners with difficult equine hoof issues. Dick was a resident of Lexington, and on many a day you could hear the sounds of “metal on metal” as the shoes were taken out of the forge and shaped into corrective shoes on the anvil in the driveway of his Lexington home. He was called a “gentle giant” by many as he had a way about him with people and animals, a “Horse Whisperer” before “whisperers” were even thought about for reality TV. The Dick Ham Memorial Award will be awarded to a graduating Minuteman student following a dream to work in the trades and who has an entrepreneurial spirit.
Digital Federal Credit Union [DCU] Scholarship
Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU) recognizes the lifetime value of education whether four-year, two-year, trade or licensing programs. The DCU Memorial Scholarship Program was designed to assist outstanding students with the cost of this education. We want to recognize your hard work and promote your goals, too. Our motto is “People come first. Do the right thing. Make a difference."
Nicholas Abreu, Samuel Albers, Maxim Allor, Marwa Alwaz, Haris Ansari, Shehla Bibi, Sarah Buchieri, Danieliz Calderon, Zoe Callahan, Daniel Chandler,
Sophia DaSilva, Cam Fox, Jillian Geraghty, Simon Goodwin, Taien Gorman, Katerina Holbrook, Anis Ifthikar, Hayden Jelinsky, Harrison Johnson, Lillian Johnson, Ryan Jones, Samantha Kerr, Maliha Khan, Colin Lenhardt, Evan Long, Layla Lubin, Ethan Matta, Grace McNiff, Daryin Medrano Jimenez, Lillian Mela, Daria Michelson, James Murch, Alex Muriel, William Oulton, Taranvir Pabla, Charles Perry, Emily Scarpati, Eleanor Silvadurso, Trevor Simon, Jalen Smith, Nicholas Soukaras, Gavin Sparks, Ella Taibi, Kendra Traywick, Carine Valery, Alton Winkler, Bradley Winters, Andrew Wood, Samuel Zachary, & Andrew Zeng
Jeffrey Newton, Jackson Thomas, Martin Gorman, Cailyn MacVeigh, Stefan Phillips, Colleen Foley, Jillian Bearden, Tyler Hanson, Ethan Masters, Asher Pearlmutter-Bearson, Isabel Watson, Hannah Bardei, Day Kolz, Samuel Cerqueira, Ellie Vail, Nathan Doherty, Sophia Krain, Jake Brosnan, Matthew McIntyre, Lucy Kitchenka, Drew Humberstone, Peter Loschen, Kyliegh Cabral, Luke Thacker, Devlin Ih, Molly Raghavan, Ariana Calder, Morgan Calverley, Maria Defreitas, Markis Galea, Isabel Figueiredo, Eva Mabboux, Peter Eisenheim, Angelina Amico, Ryan Garrant, Gabriel Tulipano, Aidan Nunez O'Doherty, Arianna DiGiacomo, Corbin Wall, Amanda Birenbach, Owen Blake, Faith Daley, Trevor Spadafora, Julia Champoux, Roman Martis, Louis Savarino, Damien Fox, Cameron Hebert, Marley Fortune, Teagan O'Connor
Andrew Abbott, Julia Andersen, Emily Almonte, Duncan Armstrong, Lucas Bazydola, Sean Boisvert, James Byrd, Nathan Crawford, Brianna Garrigan, Edward Hassler, Rachel Jackson, Linnea Johnson, Kameryn Montimes, Alannah O'Brien, Jude Porter, Roxanna Sanjar, Graham Sullivan, Benjamin Tangora, Josh Vaglica, Lucy Van Duzer,
Dr. Renzo A. Ricciuti Memorial Scholarship/Plumbing Award
Dr. Ronald Fitzgerald Scholarship
Dr. Ronald J. Fitzgerald retired in 2004 after twenty-eight years of dedicated service as Superintendent-Director of Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District. Dr. Fitzgerald’s superintendence was heralded by years of innovative leadership and vision and marked by an unparalleled commitment to vocational education, academic integration, and a learning styles approach to teaching students. This scholarship is presented to a Minuteman graduate who exemplifies Dr. Fitzgerald’s commitment to education and, as a “triple Minuteman” himself, to a student who shall attend the University of Massachusetts.
Edward Lillis Memorial Award
Felicia M. DeLorenzo Scholarship Foundation
The foundation was established through the generosity of Felicia M. DeLorenzo, a longtime Arlington resident and business owner who died on July 4, 2001, at age 81. Ms. DeLorenzo was born in Montemurro, Italy, and immigrated to the United States when she was seven months old. The family first settled in Cambridge and then moved to Arlington in the early 1940s. Ms. DeLorenzo operated her own beauty salon in Arlington, known as the Beauty Patio. The foundation represents the fulfillment of the dream of using resources that she amassed over a half-century of work to benefit the young people of Arlington far into the future.
Francis Koppeis (Wayside Inn) Memorial Award
Fred Troisi Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded in memory of a loved and respected member of the Minuteman faculty by his family and friends to a graduating senior who exemplified the desire for knowledge and quest for excellence that marked Mr. Troisi’s career in industry and education. Fred’s warm and contagious smile and caring personality demonstrated his sincere love of teaching young learners. His positive and mature influence on students, along with his contribution to the Minuteman faculty, will be forever remembered.
Friends of Minuteman Award
Gene Haas Scholarship
Est. 2024
The Gene Haas Scholarship celebrates the ambition and commitment of high school students who have chosen to pursue the field of engineering. This scholarship is dedicated to recognizing the exceptional potential and future contributions of young engineers who demonstrate a passion for innovation, problem-solving, and scientific exploration.
Jed Dowd Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Jed Dowd, a member of the Class of 1978. Jed lived with cystic fibrosis and was hospitalized a number of times while a student at Minuteman. He did not live until graduation, but while he was in our midst, he brought joy to all who knew him. This award goes to a student who has displayed a capacity to overcome adversity through a positive outlook and disciplined determination.
John Hayward Memorial Scholarship
John “Jack” Hayward joined the Minuteman Maintenance Department after a career at American Airlines. As a member of the “day crew”, Jack grew to be a friend and advisor to many Minuteman students. His cheerful demeanor and positive encouragement guided many students through a difficult day or perceived obstacle. A strong supporter of athletics, Jack took pride in preparing our athletic fields, a pride that was passed along to the participating athletes. A Marine for life, Jack counseled many young men and women on the value and benefits of a military career. He shared their pride and satisfaction of completing the first step of military life. This scholarship is awarded to a Minuteman graduate who has exemplified the spirit of sportsmanship and concern for their fellow student.
John F. Rezendes Memorial Award
This scholarship was established in memory of John F. Rezendes who was a member of the Minuteman Class of 2015. While still at Minuteman, John began his career as an apprentice plumber at Puopolo & Sons Plumbing. He then continued his career upon graduation as an apprentice with North Shore Mechanical Contractors for two years before becoming a member of the Plumbers and Gasfitters Union Local 12. During his time with Local 12 he worked on numerous commercial jobs in Boston for PJ Dionne Company. John will always be remembered for his competitive spirit, strong work ethic, and a sense of pride in the work he did. This scholarship in his memory will be awarded to a graduating senior who will pursue a plumbing career. We hope this award will help get you started towards a long, fulfilling career.
John N. Wood Memorial Scholarship
Dedicated to the memory of John, who epitomized the qualities of love of family & country, compassion, respect for all and an indomitable sense of humor in times of stress & illness. A skilled electrician, who took pride in his work and encouraged many in pursuit of a career in his chosen profession. This award is now given to an outstanding graduating seniors who will participate in an advanced electrical trade program and have demonstrated the qualities revered by Mr. John N. Wood.
Scholarship Closed 2022
Lexington Field and Garden Club Award
Lexington Rotary Club Scholarship
Lexington Toyota
Margaret Rosselli Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to an outstanding Culinary Arts student who intends to further their education in Culinary Arts. One of Margaret Roselli’s lifelong loves was cooking and baking and giving these culinary creations to family and friends. Margaret’s family established this scholarship because she and they truly believe man and woman do not live by bread alone, sometimes they need a little cookie.
scholarship Closed 2024
Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators Award
Massachusetts Vocational Association Presidential Certificate of Merit (MVA)
Middlesex Savings Bank Award
Minuteman Alumni Association Scholarships
The Minuteman Alumni Association was established to engage the participation of graduates of Minuteman in the ongoing efforts by the school community to maintain and expand an excellent learning environment, to promote the community-at-large, Minuteman’s diverse curriculum and career opportunities and to provide quality resources to students.
Minuteman Chapter of the National Honor Society Award
Minuteman Faculty Association Award/Elaine Karkos Memorial Scholarship
Minuteman Players Drama Club Award
Minuteman Principal's Award
Nick's Pick Award
This award is given in honor of Nick Papas, a dedicated teacher, coach, mentor and friend. Nick was a faculty member at Minuteman from its earliest days, and has influenced, supported, and coached hundreds of student athletes. Nick is dedicated to the success of the teams he coaches, the personal development of each individual, and the overall pursuit of excellence through hard work and preparedness. One of Nick's favorite sayings is "Chance favors the prepared", and through his support and efforts, we have all been given a "better chance". We are forever grateful to Nick. This award recognizes his tireless commitment to developing young people and his enduring passion and professionalism. This award is given to a graduating student athlete who maintains a 3.0 or higher grade average and exhibits a commitment to academic excellence and sportsmanship.
Paul D. Abbott Scholarship
The Paul D. Abbott Scholarship was established in 1991 by Muriel Abbott in memory of her husband Paul D. Abbott at the Congregational Church of Needham. The Abbott Scholarship was to be granted each year to a student (or students), who have demonstrated skill and perseverance in a vocation and have financial need, to continue his/her/their education. Today, the Abbott Scholarship is overseen by the Church's Outreach Committee, who works with the directors of the METCO and Needham Steps Up programs to help us identify Needham High School seniors, along with a Minuteman High School Counselor, to help us identify a Minuteman High School Senior, from Needham, who plan to pursue studies in STEM at the university level.
Paul Alphen Science Award
Paul Johnson Memorial Award/Culinary Arts Award
Given in memory of Paul Johnson, Class of 1978, by his friends and loving family to a graduating senior who will continue their Culinary Arts education. Paul, a member of the first graduating class, completed his post secondary studies at the Culinary Institute of America and pursued a career in Culinary Arts.
Paul M. Stone Memorial Scholarship
Pauline Briggs Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Briggs, a Lexington resident, taught Biotechnology at Minuteman from September 2000 until her passing in July 2004. She had a universal love for life and was always joyful in spirit and readily available with a smile and a kind word. Mrs. Briggs was active in her community, her church, and at Minuteman, leading volunteer efforts in helping provide food, shelter, and medicine to those most in need, including an annual week-long trip to a foreign country. Given to a student who exemplifies a joy for life and a faithful spirit, having served both school and community.
Ralph Hersey Memorial Scholarship
Richard Trzepacz Graphic Arts Award
Roger S. Eleftherakis Memorial Scholarship
Ryan Eaton Memorial Award
Established in the memory of Ryan Eaton, a member of the Minuteman Class of 2014. He passed away shortly after graduation and was not able to realize his dream. Ryan had a passion for cooking and life. If you were down, he could always cheer you up and never wanted anyone to feel left out. He would go out of his way to make everyone around him feel special and was always willing to lend a hand or just listen. This scholarship goes to a graduating senior who exemplifies this passion for life and compassion for others.
Sandra Lambrinos Memorial Scholarship
Given in memory of Sandy Lambrinos, who retired in 2015 after 35 years of dedication and commitment to Minuteman High School. Sandy spent her entire career at Minuteman as an Administrative Assistant in the Athletic Department, she was the 1st person to greet all that entered Athletics with her beautiful smile and love in helping student-athletes with whatever they needed. She will always be remembered as our LADY MUSTANG! This Scholarship is awarded to a graduating student-athlete who has shown his/her love for Minuteman Athletics as Mrs. Lambrinos had, a student-athlete who was proud to have worn the Minuteman uniform, and a student-athlete who was a leader on and off the athletic field.
Scott Pisano, Class of 2001 Memorial Scholarship
Scott Pisano graduated from Minuteman in 2001. He studied auto mechanics, but his true love was in horticulture and landscaping. Scott loved the outdoors. He liked learning about different plants and every year he would plant his own vegetable garden. During high school, Scott started working at Nardone Landscaping in Lexington. He instantly fell in love with the job. He loved everything there was about being a landscaper, including mowing the grass, planting flowers, fall clean ups, and especially plowing snow in the winter. There was never a day that Scott did not want to go to work. Scott remained employed as a landscaper with Nardone Landscaping until the day he died. Scott’s life ended unexpectedly on June 17, 2016. He was 33 years old. Scott’s family would like to congratulate the recipient of this scholarship and hope that you can carry on Scott’s passion for horticulture and landscaping as he would be doing if he were still with us today.
Scotty Enwright Memorial Scholarship
Given in memory of Scotty Enwright, who was a Minuteman alumnus and passed away at the age of 47 after a battle with leukemia. Scotty was on the 1985 Minuteman Mustangs Hockey Team that won the 1985 championship. Scotty's passion for hockey was shared amongst those around him. He continued to play and was planning to reunite his 1985 teammates. Scotty was a friend to everyone in his hometown of Arlington and beyond. He could be seen waving from his work truck or Harley Davidson. He was the drummer in a band called The Super 8s and shared his talents with many. He participated in many fundraising efforts to support veterans nationwide. Some of the causes (to name a few) that Scotty had dedicated his time to were: The Semper Fi Fund, Support Local Heroes as well as Veterans Advocacy Services. He was passionate not only about hockey and music, but in giving back to the community. Scotty exemplified what it means to be a good teammate, not only in the rink but in the game of life. Awarded to a graduate who has encompassed the game of hockey, sportsmanship, teamwork, integrity and comradery.
Senior Class Spirit and Dedication Award
Sun Family Scholarship
est. 2024
The Sun Family Scholarship recognizes the outstanding achievements of students in vocational education. One award is given to a student who has demonstrated exceptional dedication, skill, and passion in the field of Early Childhood Education, and a commitment to nurturing the growth and learning of young children. A second award recognizes a student who has excelled in their cooperative education experiences, demonstrating outstanding performance, professionalism, and contribution to their workplace.
Walter J. Markham Award
Walter Markham provided statewide leadership during the formative stages of the career and technical education system we enjoy in Massachusetts. He served as Director of the Bureau for Vocational Education from 1954-1969 and as the first Associate Commissioner for Occupational Education from 1968-1970. The Walter J. Markham Award recognizes a single senior in the state of Massachusetts. The student must exhibit leadership, outstanding attendance, excellence in technical studies and academic achievement. This award is sponsored by the Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators and the Massachusetts Vocational Association to recognize the top vocational student in the Commonwealth.