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CCA Parent Handbook


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  • 1. Introduction
D. Philosophy

Colonial Children’s Academy provides a safe, nurturing and education-enriched environment.

The program features STEM activities, outdoor and indoor recreation, music, literacy and cooperative play all within their daily schedule. Our emergent curriculum is developed from the children’s current interests and skill levels. Using the theory of “loose parts” children use their imagination to guide their learning and explore their environments. Minuteman’s High School setting allows the preschool students to explore many of the school’s career and readiness programs and use facilities such as their large indoor gym.

Student to teacher ratios (including interns) far exceed the state standards providing additional guidance and support throughout the day.

Mission Statement: Early Education and Teaching Program

Students in the Early Education and Teaching program study the fundamentals of human development up to age eight, with the primary focus on children under five. They experience daily hands-on interaction with young children in addition to learning about human growth and development. The curriculum is enriched with multiple human service fields including close involvement with community work and various field trip offerings. Students’ training follows the National Early Childhood Education Guidelines and exceeds the State Curriculum Standards found in the MA Frameworks for Early Education and Care. Students’ preparation includes, among other topics, following health and safety practices, using positive guidance, child-centered career exploration as well as promoting diversity when working with children and families. 

Articulation agreements are available for eligible students to earn entry-level credits at specific colleges throughout the state. This is a rigorous, college preparatory program for academically talented, technically oriented students who plan to matriculate to a competitive technical college, institute or career upon graduation from high school. The program also offers possible additional certifications including the American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED for Pediatrics and Adults and the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care Infant/Toddler and Preschool Teacher. All learners are challenged to meet high standards and high expectations while receiving the necessary supports for success. 




Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District does not discriminate based on race, creed, national origin, religion, color, age, sex, ancestry, genetic information, marital/parental status, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity in its programs or activities, including its admissions and employment practices. Additionally, the district does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of homelessness, consistent with the McKinney-Vento Act. The School District does not tolerate harassment or discrimination. An individual has been designated to coordinate compliance under Title IX and Section 504. Mr. John E. Cammarata, Title IX/Civil Rights Coordinator, may be contacted through the Superintendent’s Office located at 758 Marrett Road, Lexington, MA 02421, or by phone at (781) 861-6500. 
Minuteman’s special education department will handle inquiries and complaints that relate to hate-motivated violence, discrimination, and harassment based on a disability or special education status which are protected under “Section 504” of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794) or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. § 1412, et seq.) or M.G.L. c 71 B, as from time to time amended. 

Throughout this handbook, the term “parent or parents” will refer to parents and/or guardians.