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CCA Parent Handbook


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  • 2. General Information
B. The Daily Program

When the children enter the classroom in the morning they are greeted by a teacher, asked to wash their hands and then encouraged to get involved in various activities which have been set up to allow for easy transitioning. During classroom exploration morning snack will be open for children. After meeting time and a nutritious snack, the children are given the freedom to explore the various learning activities and interest centers that have been prepared for them by the teachers and students in the high school‘s Early Education & Teaching Program. These centers are changed from week to week, day to day and sometimes hour to hour. Manipulative, collage materials, blocks and books are some of the activities open during classroom exploration. Morning meeting will be our formal start of the day where themes will be expanded upon. During center time, numerous centers and activities are offered to allow children the opportunity to choose what interests them. This time also allows for integration projects to take place with various departments and programs within the high school. A teacher is always nearby to expand learning by asking questions, offering challenging statements or making suggestions in keeping with each particular child‘s current level of achievement, interest, ability and needs. There are periods of quiet and relaxation, during rest time.

  • Time to Play  
  • Time to Explore
  • Time to Discover
  • Time to Grow
  • Time to be a Child 




Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District does not discriminate based on race, creed, national origin, religion, color, age, sex, ancestry, genetic information, marital/parental status, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity in its programs or activities, including its admissions and employment practices. Additionally, the district does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of homelessness, consistent with the McKinney-Vento Act. The School District does not tolerate harassment or discrimination. An individual has been designated to coordinate compliance under Title IX and Section 504. Mr. John E. Cammarata, Title IX/Civil Rights Coordinator, may be contacted through the Superintendent’s Office located at 758 Marrett Road, Lexington, MA 02421, or by phone at (781) 861-6500. 
Minuteman’s special education department will handle inquiries and complaints that relate to hate-motivated violence, discrimination, and harassment based on a disability or special education status which are protected under “Section 504” of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794) or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. § 1412, et seq.) or M.G.L. c 71 B, as from time to time amended. 

Throughout this handbook, the term “parent or parents” will refer to parents and/or guardians.