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Admissions Process and Deadlines

Member Towns

Acton, Arlington, Bolton, Concord, Dover, Lancaster, Lexington, Needham, Stow

cheerleaders at the 2021 homecoming game

Admissions Process

  1. Create an account and fill out an online application (click here)
  2. We will request academic, attendance, and conduct records, as well as a recommendation form, from your sending school after the second term or first trimester has ended.
  3. Interviews:
    • If you attend one of our member-town sending schools, we will be coming to your school to conduct interviews in late January/early February
    • If you live in a member-town but attend a private school, we will reach out to you to schedule an interview
    • If you are from a non-member town, we will not conduct interviews unless it is determined that we may have space for out of district students
  4. To meet the February 15th priority deadline, you must be from a member town and your application must be complete, including a completed interview.

Admissions Criteria

Admissions is based on 5 equally weighted criteria totaling an Application Score of 100 points

  1. Academic Record (two years (7th and 8th grade) of grades in 4 main academic areas: Math, English, Science, and History)
  2. Attendance (two years (7th and 8th grade) of Attendance records)
  3. School Discipline/Conduct (two years (7th and 8th grade) of Discipline/Conduct records)
  4. Sending School Recommendation (the form for this is on Page 3 of the application- recommendation letters are welcome, but not required)
  5. Interview with Admissions

Important Dates

February 15th Deadline for resident students to complete the application process for March 1st review. A completed application includes a completed application form, the receipt of all required records from the sending school, a Minuteman Recommendation Form, and an interview with the Admissions Office
March 1 Notification of acceptance, denial, or wait list for resident student applications submitted by February 15th
March 8 Resident students must confirm acceptance of offer of enrollment
March 15 After March 15, non-resident students may be accepted only if there are no qualified resident students on the list. Once a student has accepted an offer of admission, the offer cannot be rescinded by the District based on residency
April 1 Deadline to file Chapter 74 Vocational Technical Nonresident Student Tuition Application with the Superintendent of the nonresident student’s district-of-residence