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Principal's Blog

Principal's Update 4-24-24

Principal's Update: April 24, 2024 
Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical High School  


Hello Minuteman Community,  

We have had a lot to celebrate recently. Minuteman’s Players (aka the Drama Club) put on a terrific performance of 12 Angry Men the first weekend in April, we hope you were able to come see it. At the end of this week, Minuteman will be sending 54 SkillsUSA competitors to the State Competition; we wish them all the best of luck; gold medal winners will have the chance to compete at Nationals. Our spring sports teams have started their schedules with some great records so far. Minuteman’s FIRST Robotics team had an honorable showing in their most recent competitions, making it to the finals at WPI. 
Monday, many of our seniors highlighted a sneak preview of their senior projects, we can’t wait to see their full presentations throughout the week. Moving into May, we are looking forward to our Spirit Week the week of May 13th as our seniors enter the home stretch.   
Below are some upcoming highlights and important information to share.  

Attention all seniors and senior families- important information on graduation dues:  
Seniors will be responsible to submit their graduation dues of $30 by May 1st, 2024. The dues can be paid by check (with “graduation dues” and the student’s name in the memo), by cash (please drop it off in the Principal’s Office with Ms. Rose Romano) or online (via My School Bucks the link can be found here). If your family is experiencing a financial hardship, please reach out to Rose Romano ( in the principal’s office.  

SkillsUSA Competition and Fundraiser: 
Minuteman's SkillsUSA will be participating in a Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser! Our store will be active from today Monday, April 22nd at 8am through Friday, April 26th at 8am. Each competitor should also have a link if you want to order directly through a student, but all goes to the same place.  
For the link to the fundraiser, please click here.  

Updates from the Nurses: 
COVID-19 Update: 

DPH has reviewed the CDC’s new guidance regarding respiratory virus isolation strategies and updated its recommendations for the general public to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses (including COVID-19), Staying home to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses |

If you have new symptoms of a respiratory virus, such as a fever, sore throat, cough or a runny or stuffy nose, you should stay home and stay away from others in your household. Get tested for COVID-19 and flu. Talk to your healthcare provider about getting treatment if you test positive. You should stay home even if you don’t know what virus is making you sick. 

When you start to feel better you may begin to resume normal activities with precautions if: 

  • You have not had a fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicines; AND 

  • Your other symptoms are improving. 

You may still be able to spread the virus that made you sick, even if you are feeling better. For at least the first 5 days after you resume normal activities, take these extra precautions: 

  • Avoid crowded indoor spaces. Wear a mask anytime you are indoors around other people. 
  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. 
  • Avoid spending time with people who are at increased risk for severe disease. 

To best care for and support your child’s return to school following an injury, surgery, or concussion please contact our office prior to their return. Please forward medical documentation including any restrictions or need for use of an assistive device (crutches, brace, boot, etc.) to This communication prior to your child’s return will allow for a smooth transition back to school. 

Please reach out with any questions or concerns to 
Dress Code Reminders: 
With the warmer weather quickly approaching we wanted to remind all families and students of the Dress Code sections located in the Student-Parent Handbook.  
These standards apply: 

• straps wider than 1” on all tank tops 
• no low-cut tops 
• no exposed midriff 
• no visible undergarments 
• no offensive language 
• no clothing referencing alcohol, tobacco, or drugs 
• no clothing referencing sexual activity or innuendo 
• No hoods 

Students should wear clean, neat, and appropriate clothing for their academic and career technical training area defined by the career program standards. 
Clothing that may affect the health and/or safety of the individual or the student body will not be allowed. Considering the need to promote safety and good health, the following general dress code and behavioral standards have been set: 

1. Clothing that interferes with, and/or harasses others based on race, sex, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or displays indecent or obscene messages, offensive slurs, and innuendos will not be allowed. Clothing that references alcohol, tobacco, or any other drug is strictly prohibited. 

2. Clothing should never be revealing to the extent that it would be considered a disruption to the educational process. Nylon or other material that is determined to be flammable is a safety hazard and is prohibited. 

3. Shorts are not allowed when safety concerns are determined or during exploratory. Tank tops and half shirts are not allowed, and sunglasses should not be worn inside the building. 

4. No loose clothing, loose jewelry, or long, loose hair is permitted while operating machinery or other equipment. Aprons, coveralls, uniforms, shop coats, hairnets, etc., may be required in some shop areas. 

5. Closed toed shoes are required in all CTE areas with occupational hazards. During exploratory closed toes shoes must be worn. After students are in their selected CTE major, if the program does not have occupational hazards relating to footwear, it is at the teacher’s discretion if closed toes shoes are required. 
Additional information can be found in the Student-Parent Handbook here in sections 2-7 Safety and Health Policies (p. 19) and 5-11 School Dress Code (p. 42).  

Vending Machines:  
Over April vacation Minuteman was able to secure some vending machines for our students which are now located in our Student Union. The vending machines will be on with the exceptions of breakfast, breaks and lunchtime. The machines take cash or credit. We hope this addition to Minuteman will assist our students who stay after school and our athletes that stay late.  
Prom Tickets: 

Attention all juniors and seniors! Prom ticket sales have ended but We will do a one-day and one-day only, reopening of tickets on Friday the 26th starting at 8 am and will go until midnight 

or until tickets are sold out that day. Space is limited and once tickets sell out, due to space and fire requirements, sales will be closed.  The prom is May 10th at Sky Meadow Country Club in Nashua, NH. Tickets are $90 each and there are a limited number. The link to purchase tickets will be sent to your email, on the hallway monitors and also listed below.  
Purchase your prom tickets here.  

Parent Square: 
Thank you to those who have already registered for Parent Square! You have been previously sent welcome emails to register. Parent Square is a new communication tool that will be replacing Black Board which is our current alert system. We will be using both systems as we transition to Parent Square by the end of the school year. Many of our member towns already utilize Parent Square, it will allow us to instantly translate messages and communicate with families more easily. ASPEN will remain an option for class notifications and where our student schedules, grades and information are held. 

Parent Workshop: 
Please reach out to Kori Nicholson, or Kyla Callahan if you have any questions or would like more information.  

Save the dates for additional upcoming workshops below. Necessary Zoom links will be sent closer to the dates:  
Saturday 5/18 9-10:30: (In person) “Signs of Suicide for Parents” 

Summer School at Minuteman: 
Do these chilly days have you dreaming about summer? Us too! Looking for an enriching and educational summer experience? Look no further! Minuteman is thrilled to offer a range of engaging summer programs designed to ignite curiosity and inspire academic growth. Get a jump on summer and register today!  

We also have “Summer Fun” offered for children ages 3-6, programs from 8 am –12 pm or 8 am-2:30 pm. Please help spread the word. 

Learn more about our summer offering here.  

Check us out: 
SPORTS: Updates can be found here on Minuteman Sports 
SOCIAL MEDIA: (Like, follow, comment) 
Minuteman's Facebook Page 
Minuteman's Instagram 

Quick Links:  


  • Wednesday, 5/8 & 5/29 PD Early Release @ 12:30pm 
  • Thursday, 5/16 Rescheduled date for Chris Herren Presentation 
  • Thursday, 5/23 Last Day for Seniors 
  • Monday, 5/27 Memorial Day/Offices Closed 
  • Friday, 6/7 Early Release @ 11:21am 
  • Friday, 6/7 Graduation @ 2:00pm 
  • Tuesday, 6/11 Last Day of School, Early Release @ 11:21am 
  • Every Tuesday- After School Homework Help in the Library from 2:30-3:30 pm 
  • Every Thursday- Extra Help with Teachers from 2:30-3:30 pm