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Module 5: Funding the Project

Module 5 is complete.


On January 27, 2016, the MSBA Board of Directors voted in support of a new $144.9M educational facility for Minuteman. MSBA is expected to pay 44.75% of eligible project costs--up to a maximum of $44,139,213. This vote moved Minuteman into Module 5: Funding the Project. Read the MSBA Action Letter here.


After Special Town Meetings held in early 2016, the new Regional Agreement was approved by the Commissioner on March 11, 2016. On March 15, 2016, the School Committee voted to bond for the Building Project under MGL Ch. 71, 16 (d). Read letter sent to all member towns informing them of the vote here.


The Project Scope and Budget Agreement (PS&BA) was submitted to MSBA, per MSBA's process and after the School Committee 4/12/16 vote to do so. The fully executed PS&BA can be found here.


See Updates 2015-16 for the Annual Town Meeting (Spring, 2016) results related to bonding the project under 16 (d). Due to Belmont's opposition, the School Committee moved into a 16 (n) approach, a District Wide Election, scheduled for September 20, 2016, from 12 Noon-8 pm at specific locations.


On September 20, 2016, Minuteman held a District Wide Election asking voters to approve bonding of the proposed new building for Minuteman's future students. Voters approved the project by a 70% margin. See Results and Related Press Release.


With this vote, Module 5 is completed, and we move into Module 6. See Timeline.


MSBA Module 5 Guidelines